Lunch box ideas for picky eaters

This blog is about lunch box ideas for picky eaters to make lunch a fun experience and reduce stress during mealtimes.

As a mum and dietitian of a fussy eater, I know how stressful it is coming up with lunch box ideas. I find it harder than coming up with dinner ideas.

Most kids experience periods of fussy eating and it is considered a common behavior in early years. However, picky eating is associated with having less food diversity and nutrient imbalances (particularly low intake of iron, zinc and fibre) which can occur when they avoid foods like meat, fruits and vegetables (1).

These deficiencies are linked to developmental issues and constipation (2). Therefore, it is important to ensure that your child eats a variety of nutritious food for optimal health.

Understanding Picky Eating

The term “picky eating” is defined as the consumption of an inadequate variety of foods. Typical traits of picky eaters include consuming less food throughout the day, not willing to eat foods (especially fruits and vegetables), being reluctant to taste new foods, accepting only a few types of food, favoring beverages over solid foods and exhibiting strong food preferences. A study involving 120 children (aged 2 to 11) and their parents reported that around 13% to 22% of the children were classified as picky eaters in this age group (3).

Involve Kids in Meal Prep

Get your kids excited about food by letting them help in the kitchen. Allow them to pick out recipes, wash veggies or assemble their meals. When kids are part of the cooking process, they’re often more willing to try what they’ve helped create.

Create a Positive Eating Environment

The atmosphere during mealtimes can really impact how your child feels about eating. Encourage conversations around the table and try to minimize distractions like screens.

A relaxed, focused environment makes meals more enjoyable and helps foster good eating habits.

Introduce New Foods Gradually

New foods can be scary for picky eaters. Repeatedly exposing them to different foods without pressure can help them and often introducing new foods away from mealtimes.

At mealtimes always serve one food that your child can eat and then offer meals in a family style with a learning plate in the middle to put any new foods on so they can just explore them. Remember there are 32 steps to eating!

Be a Role Model

Kids learn by watching, so be a role model. Show them how much you enjoy a variety of fruits and veggies and trying new foods. When they see you embracing these habits, they’re more likely to want to do the same.

Make it Fun

Who says healthy eating must be boring? Use cookie cutters to create fun shapes out of fruits, veggies and sandwiches. This little bit of creativity can make meals visually appealing and exciting, encouraging kids to dive in and enjoy their food.

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5 Easy lunch box ideas for Kids

Making lunch boxes fun and appealing can encourage picky eaters to try new foods. Here are some ideas of what to make for picky eaters for lunch.

Fun-Shaped Sandwiches

One of the easiest ways to make healthy sandwiches more exciting is by using cookie cutters to create different shapes. Think hearts, stars or even animals. You can also add extra features using sliced fruits and veggies to make the sandwiches even more playful.

What do you give kids for lunch who don’t like sandwiches?

Vegetable packed muffins

Muffins are such a hit in lunch boxes, and you can give kids a nutrient boost without compromising taste by working some veggies into the mix. Here are some creative ideas:

  • Courgettes Chocolate Chip Muffins- The courgettes keeps them moist and also gives them nice colour, the chocolate chips add a bit of sweetness. Here is a recipe for Courgette Muffins with Chocolate Chips
  • Carrot and apple muffins – the taste combination is great but also sneaks some nutrients. For a detailed recipe, visit Spiced Carrot and Apple Muffins.
  • Spinach and Cheese Savory Muffins – A great savoury snack. The spinach is hidden so well that even picky eaters won’t taste it. For a detailed recipe, check out this Spinach and Cheese Savory Lunchbox Muffins.

Pizza rolls

Make yummy pizza rolls in no time! Roll out some pizza dough, spread marinara sauce on it, and sprinkle it with cheese and their favorite toppings. Roll it up, slice into pieces, and bake them until golden. Enjoy warm with extra sauce for dipping!

DIY wraps

Create delicious and healthy wraps in just a few minutes! Start with a whole grain tortilla and spread a thin layer of hummus or yogurt. Add their favorite fillings like sliced turkey, cheese, lettuce, cucumbers, and shredded carrots. Roll it up tightly, slice it in half, and enjoy the tasty, nutritious wrap!

Lunch box ideas for picky eaters - Bento box creations

Bento Box Creations

Use a bento box to offer a mix of favourite and new foods. Using small portions of the new foods to encourage them to try something new. Here is a list of some examples to add to the box.

  • Fruit: Take some grapes, strawberries or apple slices and slide them on a stick. It’s an enjoyable snack option
  • Cheese & Crackers: serve cheese with some crackers. You could even stack them into tiny sandwiches if they like that.
  • Yoghurt & Granola: Create a delicious Yogurt Parfait by alternating layers of yogurt, granola and small fruit pieces and if they like it sweet, consider drizzling some honey on top.
  • Veggies & Dip: Prepare sliced carrots or bell peppers. Pair them with a dip such as ranch dressing or hummus. 
  • Peanut Butter Apple Slices: Spread peanut butter on apple slices. You can sprinkle a few raisins or chocolate chips on top to enhance the flavour.
  • Mini Sandwiches: Make small sandwiches with bread and some cheese, ham, chicken, nut butters and cut them into fun shapes.
  • Mini Pizzas: Use a piece of pitta bread, spread some sauce, add cheese and any toppings they like. Pop it in the oven for a quick pizza.
  • Popcorn: Popcorn can make for a satisfying snack. Add your own toppings.
  • Peanut Butter Banana Wrap: Create a snack by spreading peanut butter on a wheat tortilla and placing a banana in the center before rolling it up and cutting it into bite sized pieces.

In conclusion, making lunch fun and appealing can help picky eaters try new foods without feeling pressured. Creative ideas like fun-shaped sandwiches, veggie-packed muffins and DIY wraps can be a few ideas to break away from sandwiches.

Don’t forget to mix familiar favourites with new options in a bento box for a balanced approach. The key is to keep things simple and playful, encouraging kids to explore different flavours and textures.

Seeking Professional Guidance

If mealtime challenges persist. Dietitians can provide personalised advice tailored to your picky eaters needs.

As a mum and a dietitian, I know how stressful it can have a picky eater or fussy eater. If you are worried about your child’s nutrition, book a free call or check out my Creating Confident Eater Programme to see if I can help your child with their fussy eating.

 Thank you to Aastha Kheskani, Student Dietitian for helping with researching and writing the blog. The information is correct at the time of publishing the blog.

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